Tuesday 24 May 2011


Where do I even begin? I suppose saying “I’m sorry” is a start.
I’m sorry.
Looking back, I can’t believe that I had did so stupid thing to u.  But I suppose hindsight is always 20/20. It was stupid and I wasn’t the friend that you expected me to be. Even if I explain my actions, it still doesn’t justify that I did some pretty hurtful things.
I hope you can forgive me for what I did and put this matter behind us. I treasure our friendship and all the things we’ve done and been through. And hopefully, what transpired can become one of those incidents that make our bond stronger than ever. 

If you have anything on your mind regarding this, please feel free to share it. I promise to listen before I speak. It’s the least I could do if you’re willing to forgive me.This is what can I say,Now I feel that this friendship is only that I have,I must keep it forever.(Honestly,This is the most stupid thing that really make me feel Im really immature,im really REGRET..)

Your friend,

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