Saturday 9 April 2011


                                  The rain start falling down again...It's feel like the sky
                                  are crying...tears start coming out...See the girl..
                                  waitting for the rain stop..Beleave me..
                                  it's really feel so bad....I felt that before...
                                    See this for the stop of rain too
                                             How about this?tortoise..looking outside
                                             from the window
                                           But...Some of the people are really enjoy it
                                           See the man are holding an umbrella
                                           dancing around there...(He looks like MJ)
                                           Then enjoy it so much..smoking there..walking on
                                           the road...nothing to think..
                            Rain is just like our real sometime..we feel so hard
                            that make we feel like dont want to live on this world again..
                            But..if we try to endure it..we can get the happiness that we get ourself
                            Used our own energy to get it...
                            The phrase words "If you want to see the rainbow,you
                            have to endure the rain"could describe our life...Try to understand it..

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