Tuesday 12 April 2011

You are not alone

Hey,this post is only for my employee,
Dont Sad ok?you are not alone,
Dont mind it,Just let them say,
Whatever they want,It's just a lie.
Please,beleave in yourself,you're not so bad like that,
people like to said that because of jealosing.

People are like that,
Full of jealosing and Bad values.
Dont keep in your heart,let the time
clean it all.
You are not alone,Your boss
Always SUPPORT you
I hope you will feel more
comfort after read this post.
I know you will prove that you are the better one.
(To the people who said my employee,you are not so good too,Please think before u say anything out,Is that so nice if you are breaking a person heart?If that person are you,What do you feel?)
Form your Boss:LianG

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